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Community Relations (1000 Series)

1000 – Community Relations Goals

1050 – Annual District Meeting and Election

1120 – School District Records

1120-E – School District Records Exhibit

1120-R – School District Records Regulation

1131 – News Releases

1133 – News Media Services at Board Meetings

1134 – Broadcasting and Taping of Board Meetings

1220 – Relations with Community and Business Organizations

1230 – Public Participation at Board Meetings

1240 – Visitors to the Schools

1240-R – Visitors to the Schools Regulation

1300 – Staff Participation in Community Activities

1400 – Public Complaints

1420 – Complaints About Curricula or Instructional Materials

1420-E – Complaints About Curricula or Instructional Materials

1420-R – Complaints About Curricula or Instructional Materials Regulation

1440 – Complaints About School Personnel

1500 – Public Use of School Facilities

1520 – Public Conduct on School Property

1530 – Smoking on School Premises

1741 – Home Instruction

1741-R – Home Instruction Regulation

1800 – Gifts from the Public

1810 – Staff Gifts and Solicitations

1900 – Parental Involvement

1925 – Interpreters for Hearing-Impaired Parents

Government and Operations (2000 Series)

2000 – Board Operational Goals

2100 – School Board Legal Status

2110 – School Board Powers and Duties

2110-E – School Board Powers and Duties Exhibit

2111 – Board Member Authority

2120.2 – Voting Procedures

2120 – School Board Elections

2121 – Board Member Qualifications

2122 – Board Member Oath of Office

2130 – Board Member Resignation

2140 – Board Member Removal from Office

2150 – Unexpired Term Fulfillment

2160 – School District Officer and Employee Code of Ethics

2210 – Board Reorganizational Meeting

2220 – Board Officers

2230 – Appointed Board Officials

2240 – Board-Superintendent Relationship

2250 – Board Committees

2260 – Citizens Advisory Committees

2265 – Shared Decision-Making and School-Based

2270 – School Attorney

2310 – Regular Meetings

2320 – Special Meetings

2330 – Executive Sessions

2340 – Notice of Meetings

2342 – Agenda Preparation and Dissemination

2351 – Quorum

2352 – Rules of Order

2360 – Minutes

2381 – News Media Services at Board Meetings

2382 – Broadcasting and Taping of Board Meetings

2390 – Board Bearings

2410 – Formulation, Adoption and Amendment of Policies

2440 – Administration in Policy Absence

2450 – Policy Dissemination

2460 – Policy Review and Evaluation

2510 – New Board Member Orientation

2520 – Board Member Development Opportunities

2530 – Membership in School Boards Associations

2550 – Board Member Compensation and Expenses

2560 – Board Member Insurance

2600 – School Board Legislative Program

Administration (3000 Series)

3000 – Administrative Goals

3240 – Line and Staff Relations

3250 – School Building Administration

3300 – Policy Implementation

3310 – Development of Regulations

Instruction (4000 Series)

4000 – Instructional Goals

4100 – Organization of Instruction

4110 – School Year/Calendar

4112 – School Day

4200 – Curriculum Development

4220 – Pilot Projects

4230 – Curriculum Adoption

4240 – Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines

4240-R – Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines Regulation

4311.1 – Display of the Flag

4311.1-R – Display of the Flag Regulation

4311 – Citizenship and Human Rights Education

4313 – Teaching About Religion

4314 – Career Education/Work Experience Opportunities

4315 – Health Education

4316 – Physical Education

4317 – Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco

4321.1 – Provision of Special Education Services in the Least Restrictive Environment

4321.2 – Preschool Special Education

4321.5 – Policy on Providing Teachers and Service Providers Copies of a Student’s Individualized Education Program

4321.6 – Availability of Alternative Format Instructional Materials for Students with Disabilities

4321.7 – Districtwide and Statewide Assessments of Students with Disabilities

4321.8 – Impartial Hearing Officer Appointment and Compensation

4321.9 – Declassification of Students with Disabilities

4321 – Programs for Students with Disabilities Under the Idea And New York’s Education Law Article 89

4324 – Programs for Pregnant Students

4325 – Compensatory Education

4326 – Limited English Proficiency Instruction

4326-R – Limited English Proficiency Instruction Regulation

4330 – Homebound Instruction Policy

4331 – Summer School

4340 – Adult Education Programs

4410 – Grouping for Instruction

4420 – Class Size

4511 – Textbook Selection and Adoption

4511-R – Textbook Selection and Adoption

4513 – Library Materials Selection

4521 – Teacher Aides and Assistants

4531 – Field Trip Request Form

4531 – Field Trips and Excursions

4532 – School Volunteers

4700 – Academic Achievement

4712 – Student Progress Reports to Parents

4714 – Parent Conferences

4720 – Testing Programs

4730 – Homework

4740 – Honor Rolls

4750 – Promotion and Retention of Students

4760 – Makeup Opportunities

4769 – Schroon Lake Central Board Policy Valedictorian and Salutatorian Effective September 2013

4770 – Graduation Requirements

4771 – Early Graduation

4771-R – Early Graduation Regulation

4772 – Commencement Exercises

4810 – Teaching About Controversial Issues

4821 – School Ceremonies and Observances

4850 – Animals in the Schools




Students (5000 Series)

5000 – Student Policies Goals

5010 – Student Policy Priority Objectives

5020.3 – Students with Disabilities Pursuant to Section 504

5100 – Grades 7-12 Attendance Policy

5140 – Entrance Age

5152 – Admission of Non-Resident Students

5152.1 – Admission of Foreign Students

5152.1-R – Admission of Foreign Students Regulation

5160 – Student Absences and Excuses

5161 – Truancy and Tardiness

5162 – Student Dismissal Precautions

5162-R – Student Dismissal Precautions Regulation

5180 – Early Release of Students

5200 – Cocurricular and Extracurricular Programs

5210 – Student Organizations

5220 – Student Publications/Social Media

5230 – Student Social Events

5240 – Student Performances

5251 – Student Fundraising Activities

5252 – Student Activities Funds Management

5260 – Student Contests

5280 – Interscholastic Athletics

5300 – Student Conduct

5310 – Student Discipline

5311 – Student Rights and Responsibilities

5311.1 – Student Due Process Rights

5311.2 – Student Government

5311.3 – Student Complaints and Grievances

5311.3-R – Student Complaints and Grievances Regulation

5311.4 – Care of School Property by Students

5311.5 – Student Dress Code

5312 – Prohibited Conduct

5312.1 – Drug and Alcohol Abuse

5312.1-R – Drug and Alcohol Abuse Regulation

5312.2 – Dangerous Weapons in School

5312.3 – Smoking

5313 – Penalties

5313.1 – Detention

5313.2 – In-School Suspension

5313.2-R – In-School Suspension Regulation

5313.3 – Student Suspension

5313.3-R – Student Suspension Regulation

5313.4 – Discipline of Students with Disabilities Under Idea and Article 89

5320 – Student Conduct on School Buses

5330 – Searches and Interrogations

5330-R – Searches and Interrogations Regulation

5400 – Dignity for all Students Act

5401-R – Use of Bathroom and Locker Room Facilities

5410 – Student Insurance

5420 – Student Health Services

5420-R – Student Health Services Regulation

5420.1 – Head Lice Prevention and Protocol

5421 – Concussion Management School Policy

5450 – Student Safety

5450.1 – Board Policy Sex Offender Notification Policy

5453 – Student Bicycle Use

5454 – Student Automobile Use

5460 – Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment

5460-R – Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment Regulation

5500 – Student Records

5500-R – Student Records

5500-E.1 – Notification of Rights Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

5620 – Pregnant Students

5630 – Married Students

5640 – Employment of Students

5650 – Student Volunteers for School and Public Service

5660 – Student Gifts and Solicitations

5695 – Students and Personal Electronic Devices

5670 – Staff-Student Relations

5800 – Student Awards and Scholarships

Fiscal Management (6000 Series)

6000 – Fiscal Management Goals

6110 – Budget Planning

6110-R – Budget Planning Regulation

6120 – Budget Hearing

6150 – Budget Transfers

6200 – Revenue

6230 – Federal Funds

6240 – Investments

6240-R – Investments Regulation

6400 – Depositories of Funds

6600 – Fiscal Accounting and Reporting

6660 – Independent Auditor

6700 – Purchasing

6700-R – Purchasing Regulation

6700-E1-E2 – Explanations of Other Methods of Competition to be Used for Non-Bid Procurements

6830 – Expense Reimbursement

6900 – Disposal of District Property

Facilities (7000 Series)

7000 – Facilities Development Goals

7100 – Facilities Planning

7120 – Enrollment Projections

7310 – Educational Specifications

7360 – Construction Contracts, Bidding and Awards

7500 – Naming Facilities

7810 – Closing of Facilities

Support Services (8000 Series)

8000 – Support Services Goals

8100 – Safety Program

8111 – Reporting of Hazards

8111-R – Reporting of Hazards Regulation

8121 – First Aid

8123 – Hygiene Precautions and Procedures

8123-R – Hygiene Precautions and Procedures Regulations

8130 – Emergency Plans

8134 – Emergency Closings

8210 – Buildings and Grounds Security

8212 – Vandalism

8330 – Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment

8410 – Student Transportation

8411 – School Bus Scheduling and Routing

8411-R – School Bus Scheduling and Routing Regulations

8414.1 – Bus Driver Qualifications and Training

8414.5 – Alcohol and Drug Testing of Bus Drivers

8414.5-E – Alcohol and Drug Testing Program Acknowledgment Form

8414.5-R – Alcohol and Drug Testing of Bus Drivers Regulations

8418 – Volunteer Drivers

8520 – Free and Reduced Price Food Services

8560 – Schroon Lake Central School District Wellness Policy

8700 – Insurance

Personnel and Negotiation (9000 Series)

9000 – Personnel Policy Goals

9120.1 – Conflict of Interest

9140.1 – Staff Complaints and Grievances

9140.1-R – Staff Complaints and Grievances Regulation

9150 – Staff-Student Relations

9210 – Staff Positions

9230 – Posting Vacancies

9240 – Recruiting and Hiring

9270.1 – Substitutes

9320 – Drug-Free Workplace

9440 – Hiring of Non-School Personnel for Extracurricular Activities

9460 – Incidental Teaching

9640 – Non-School Employment

9700 – Staff Development

9720 – Professional Research and Publishing

9730.1 – Exchange Teaching

9810 – Negotiation Goals

9810.3 – Bargaining Teams