Buses arrive at school between 7:45 AM, and 8:00 AM Students who want to eat breakfast are dropped off at the cafeteria. The buses continue to the north door and students are released from the bus no earlier than 8:00 AM Students who eat breakfast must remain in the cafeteria until the 8:00 AM bell rings.

Students who walk to school and wish to eat breakfast may enter through the cafeteria door between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM Others who walk may enter through the front door at 8:00 AM

Student drivers and their passengers may enter through the cafeteria door after 7:45 AM.

All student drivers and passengers must remain in the cafeteria until the 8:00 AM bell rings


Parents should drop their children off on Route 9 in front of the school. Buses may be parked in the back with their lights flashing. Cars will not be allowed to exit the parking lot until well after 8:05 AM when the buses unload and leave. After 8:05 AM the only door unlocked at school will be the front door. All students arriving after this time should be dropped off at the front of the school.

Teachers will take attendance each day and the nurse will telephone parents to report unauthorized class absences. To avoid this situation, parents may contact the school nurse or her voice mail at 532-7164 ext. 3495. Parents should give:

  • Their name
  • Their child’s name and grade
  • The reason for the absence
  • The date the child is expected to return

Students who are absent from school on the day of a practice, rehearsal, sport contest, or other extra-curricular activity may not participate in that event unless they bring a doctor’s written statement proving a medical or dental appointment or have made prior arrangements with the Superintendent.


Students who arrive in class after 8:03 are tardy. Those in grades K-6 must be signed in by a parent in the Nurse’s office. Those in grades 7-11 must sign themselves in with a written parental excuse in the Nurse’s office.

Each ten-week marking period, students in grades 7-11 face the following consequences for tardiness.

  • lst offense-Warning
  • 2-4 offense – Detention for each tardy
  • 5th and beyond – Detention for each tardy and the loss of extra-curricular privileges for the remainder of the marking period.

All tardies count toward detention unless written proof of a doctor or dentist appointment is provided by the medical office or written proof of a court appointment is provided by the court, or other similar verification as approved in advance by the Superintendent is provided.


First dismissal is 3:05 PM (3:00 grades K-6). Students are to leave the building unless they have been assigned detention or are involved with another school sponsored activity including extra help with teachers. The second dismissal is 4:05 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only.

Early dismissal excuses for emergency, medical, or other reasons should be requested in writing by the parent. Students in grades K-6 must be signed out and picked up in the Nurse’s office by the releasing adult. Students in grades 7-11 must sign out in the Nurse’s office before leaving. Please provide written notices of dismissal (via your child) or change of buses by 8:00 AM Calls to the office to release children or change buses should be rare—AND only in cases of unforeseen emergencies.